Tuesday 7 July 2015

'Semi' Fermented Yogurt

My aversion to yogurt in desserts was something I was willing to overcome since long. Sugar and yogurt never tasted amalgamated to my palette; instead sugar restrained to yogurt's beautiful sourness. Watching my grandmother set yogurt in a span of few hours on a cold winter day prompted me to try setting my own and reviving the practice which was nearly forgotten in my home. As it turns out, commercial yogurt does not make for a trustworthy starter.

Fiddly and inquisitive as I am, I checked the yogurt after every couple of hours and caused concern when I could see hardly any signs of setting. But just as it started to set the slightest...
there it was. the yogurt for a dessert. It tasted mildly sour and accentuated the sweetness of the milk. All was left for me to do was  make a wholesome and acidic dessert out of it.

I paired it with rhubarb for acidity and raspberry for fruitiness. Eyeing my brioche shenanigans, I baked them off with some almond cream. Turned the poaching liquid into ice- consider retaining flavor.

Poached rhubarb, semi fermented yogurt, almond brioche, raspberry caramel, rhubarb and mausambi (an Indian citrus) ice.

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